Thursday, August 26, 2010


This whole animation for my thesis business is creating me some sort of double personality: whenever I'm animating I can think of about 78 different ideas for illustrations, and whenever I'm painting I can't stop thinking of how much I still have to animate. And what is worse, my time is running out - even though it was supposed to be less.

Luckily, the moment I'm done I HAVE to illustrate my arse off: not only do I have to manage to sell my illustration works; I also joined the Arthouse's Sketchbook Project, so I have to send my finished sketchbook filled with Nighttime Stories by Halloween.

Este asunto de la tesis me está generando doble personalidad, o algo así: cuando estoy animando se me ocurren 87 (cambié el número por variedad XD) ideas para ilustrar, y cuando ilustro no puedo dejar de pensar en lo que tengo todavía que animar. Para acabarla, mi tiempo se acaba.

Por suerte en cuanto se termine, tengo (TENGO) que ilustrar intensamente: no solamente ocupo comenzar a posicionar ilustraciones en algún lado; también me uní al Sketchbook Project, y tengo que llenar mi sketchbook con Nighttime Stories (el tema que me tocó).

(And Perry, 'cause he's awesome :D)

In the meantime, here's a comission that took me just three days to paint (four, if you count sketching time) and a year and a half to actually do. I know, I know. Talk about procrastination. (And animation!! It's absorbing me!! D:)

To make up for this, I'm also sending her an extra sketch to thank her patience. At least I rather like the final result n_n

Por lo pronto, una comisión que me tomó tres días hacer y un año y medio decidirme a hacerla XD. Soy una verguenza, pero por lo menos voy a compensar el tiempo perdido enviando un sketch extra :D