Sunday, June 24, 2012


I'm currently in the middle of packing. My family's moving from Baja California and into San Luis Potosi - which, for those not very familiar with Mexico, is 38 hrs driving away from here. So within my nostalgia and mourning for 9 years of friends who became family, traditions and routine, I'm suddenly longing for rain - even though the California sun is bright and shining outside.

Also, I wanted to try my hand at photoshop for a bit n.n We're staying for Comic-Con, my brother and I - so although our stuff leaves on tuesday, we'll be crashing at friend's houses until the glorious geek-land event takes place. So I'll be posting mostly digital in those days n.n

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Canasta de monerías

It is a known fact of life that a girl with too many charms can easily scare away a boy... n.n

Es un hecho comprobado de la vida que una niña con demasiados encantos puede asustar muy fácilmente a un muchacho... :) Agridulce verdad xD

Splish Splash

Today Summer starts!! Let's go for a dip!! :D

Boy, I've been wanting to go swimming since january. Last time I tried, a car crashed us and we couldn't make it before the pool closed. Let's try again n.n

¡Feliz solsticio de verano!! Hoy es el día más largo del año - confiemos en que sea productivo n.n

Llevo queriendo ir a nadar desde enero - y la última vez que lo intenté, a mi hermano y a mí nos chocaron en el carro. Primera vez que me chocaron también. Hay que intentarlo de nuevo :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Balcón estrecho

Boy, I'm having so so much fun playing with formats: it can force you to create a composition that you would've never thought on a normal basis. And I also seem to be having some sort of affair with purple...

Kids, this is why you shouldn't go up to a stranger's balcony. No matter how great of a view he says he has.

Por accidente, estoy empezando a pintar algo diferente diaro. Tal parece que los formatos fuera de lo común me inspiran bastante... eso, y tengo un amorío con el violeta, por alguna extraña razón.

Ojo, mucho ojo: si un extraño te invita a su balcón, dí que no y cuéntaselo a quien más confianza le tengas.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Escaleras rotas

For some reason, this image came to my head the other day. And I wanted to get it out.

Esta escena apareció en mi cabeza por alguna razón hace un par de días, y si no la sacaba ahora... ¿cuándo?


I sometimes miss the colors of where I was born...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Me pegó el mono

I dreamt the other day of this little things - El otro día soñé con estas cosillas:

The little Cachinees (Cachinnationis Adsulto) are small creatures often mistaken with floating balls of lint or fuzz that live around the world. They're less than an inch tall, and move around with furious jumps that equal those of the flea - and yet can float as gracefully as feathers to mimetize with lint and thus escape predators. Their natural habitat are gardens, forests and parks; however, due to abundance of food they can also be found in class-rooms and offices. They feed on flowers and fruit seeds, but have a natural inclination for coffee and chocolate - it is rumored among experts that they particularly enjoy M&M's. Their hair is really soft, and when inhaled they provoke an allergy attack in human usually known as an attack of laughter, where every ridiculous thing is funny and people laugh without control for prolonged spaces of time.

These creatures are endangered due to pollution and seriousness: they're particularly miserable in days of economical crisis. To help the conservation efforts of repopulation of this wonderful little beings, laugh a little, smile to a stranger or feed an artist with chocolate today.

Los Cachanitas (Cachinnationis Adsulto) son criaturas pequeñas frecuentemente confundidas con bolas de pelusas flotantes que habitan en todo el planeta. Miden menos de dos centímetros, y se mueven en su entorno con saltos más poderosos que los de la pulga - pero también pueden flotar de manera elegante para mimetizarse con las pelusas y escapar de los predadores. Su hábitat natural se encuentra en jardines, bosques y areas verdes; sin embargo, debido a la enorme cantidad de comida a la que pueden tener acceso, en tiempos modernos son fácilmente encontrados en salones de clase y oficinas. Se alimentan de flores y semillas de frutas, pero tienen una inclinación natural por el café y el chocolate; los expertos debaten sobre si es verdad o no que prefieren los M&M's. Su cabello es particularmente suave, y cuando se inspira provoca una reacción alérgica en los seres humanos conocido como un ataque de risa o de simpleza, donde cualquier cosa por más ridícula que sea es graciosa y la gente ríe sin control por largos periodos de tiempo.

Estas criaturas están en peligro debido a la contaminación y la seriedad: son particularmente sensibles en épocas de crisis económicas. Para ayudar a la conservación y repopulación de estos maravillosos seres, ríe un poco, sonríele a un extraño o alimenta a un artista con chocolate, por favor.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


You know, I've just realized: I was browsing through my blog, feeling good about how constant I've been lately with both work and posts, and trying to lift my spirits after seeing so many beautiful artwork in my reading list - you know, "There there" and pat in the back after seeing GORGEOUS works - and...

Well, I haven't posted my pride and joy.

Oiseau Series: 
Laberinto - Labyrinth
Erika Meza
Acrylic on Wood
16 3/4'' x 20''

Ahorita estaba recorriendo mi blog, en parte para sentirme bien por lo constante que he sido últimamente y en parte para tratar de levantarme la moral después de ver trabajos impresionantes en mi lista de Google Reader, y caí en cuenta de que no he posteado este, que es mi adoración y mi orgullo de los que he hecho últimamente.

It literally took me an entire week - from dawn till... well past dusk n.n - to do this painting. I went really ambitious on the sketch, and drew all kinds of tiny details on it - and I'm glad I did, because it forced me to do a really detailed background. I'm honestly so, so proud of this piece - I don't even think photography do justice to it.

Me tomó literalmente una semana completa - semana Santa, para ser exactos - para hacerla. Estuve pintando desde que amanecía hasta que anochecía - y más todavía después de eso! - porque me volví loca con los detallitos. Lo bueno es que esto me permitió obligarme a hacer algo mucho más elaborado de lo normal, y francamente estoy enamorada del resultado final.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jacaranda y amarillo

More purple and yellow! Totally different result n.n

I love it when the jacarandas start blooming in the city. Suddenly it's all purple everywhere. I wanted to do a quick piece to celebrate the ending of school this semester, and I found this little bit of trivia in wikipedia, coincidentally:
"The time of year the Jacarandas bloom in Pretoria coincides with the year-end exams at the University of Pretoria and legend has it that if a flower from the Jacaranda tree drops on your head, you will pass all your exams."
Sin querer, me aventé otra pieza con amarillo y lila. Fue sin querer, lo juro - solamente quería pintar jacarandas, y de paso celebrar el final del semestre - y coincidió por cierto que según wikipedia, en Pretoria, Sudáfrica, dicen que si te cae en la cabeza una flor de Jacaranda, pasas todos tus exámenes. Me encantó la idea n.n 
¡Felices vacaciones!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Shades of Purple

I've been working in my very own contribution for the Beatles "All Together" tribute at Nucleus Gallery. It seemed like a wonderful idea and it really got me going, despite of all of the rest of the stuff I've got to do. The sketch came out straight away and I loved it, so I threw everything aside and started jamming.

I'm mixing several icons from several Beatles songs in there - so far, there's eleven. And counting.

But then I had the urge of doing a really quick watercolor. I'm not sure why - maybe so much acrylic makes me long for watercolor and viceversa. And I had this sketch of La Traviata - my favorite opera - sitting around, so it was finally time. Just for the fun of it, since the mood here's completely different, I tried to force myself to work with the same cheery colors in the Beatles piece, only now giving it a sombre, sad sort of mood.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Fall - Oscura

Gosh, I can't believe it. I haven't read anything in a while. Six months! Not even Book Three in The Strain trilogy, by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. Instead, I'm working like a devil - and that includes this eery blind children strigoi that kept me awake in book two...

Ya tiene rato que no leo absolutamente nada. En mí, eso es raro. Especialmente teniendo la tentación del libro tres de la Trilogía de la Oscuridad, de Chuck Hogan y Guillermo del Toro, después de haberme obsesionado con estos niños ciegos que se vuelven strigoi...